
Download escreen

Welcome to the download page of our Digital Signage App! This powerful tool is designed to transform your communication strategy, offering a dynamic and interactive way to share content. Our app supports a wide range of multimedia formats and is compatible with various hardware devices. With features like remote management and scheduling, you can control your digital signage system from anywhere, at any time. Download our app today and revolutionize the way you connect with your audience. Experience the future of communication with our Digital Signage App!

Download Escreen (For Android & FireTV Devices)


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Getting started in 4 easy steps!

  1. Create a free trial account for the eScreen Content Management System (CMS)
  2. Install the free eScreen software on your own device or buy an eScreen signage subscription in the shop.
  3. Login at the eScreen CMS and activate your player in your account
  4. Create your own playlist and plan your broadcast on your eScreen player

You are now live! Your eScreen player will automatically display your playlist. Watch your own broadcast on your network of screens. See how easy to use eScreen Signage yourself! 

Getting Started

Create a free account at eScreen and start promoting your business.